Taber and District Soccer Association


Registration Information

Obviously, the last year has been difficult for so many people and one of those difficulties is for  youth not being able to be part of activities that help with physical, mental and social health.  As a soccer board we see the importance of kids being able to participate in recreational activity and see soccer as part of that for the spring and summer.  We also recognize that our world is different now and a pandemic is still very active. So, though we see the importance of having kids be part of activities like soccer, we also recognize the importance of making sure our players, coaches and refs are safe and that the program we offer is safe and follows the proper provincial guidelines.  As we send out information and as we monitor guidelines this is what we will keep in mind and have as a healthy tension as we make decisions about soccer for 2021.

2021 Soccer plan (tentatively)

  • At this point we are planning to run some type of soccer season; I apologize in advance that we cannot give more details around how everything is going to look.  We plan for our younger age groups u5-u11 to play normal games and have practices, though depending on numbers and guidelines they may need to play in cohorts.  But that these age groups would have games and some regular league play.
  • U13-U19 would play in an interleague with other towns (Coaldale, Raymond, Magrath, Cardston, Sterling.)  If this league is able to move forward, we anticipate that guidelines would demand cohorts and breaks in-between teams playing (similar to hockey and other sports that have ran)
  • If we cannot have interleague then our teams will play locally against Taber teams and we may get creative for upper age groups to play in smaller teams and on smaller fields.  (again, much of this is initial planning and we don’t know all the ways we may or may not be able to proceed)
  • Season would run from mid-April early May until potentially second week of July (Subject to change). We don’t normally run into July, but we know travel and vacations won’t look the same again this summer and it will be the only way to make sure we have a fair season and can make it “worth it” for the players.  Also, there is no summer games again this year. 
  • We are also looking at some soccer camps potentially for after the season for kids who want to continue to play and develop skills this summer (more on that later in the spring)
  • There will be no tournaments of any kind this year
  • As mentioned above all of our activities and personal will follow the proper provincial guidelines for our outdoor season.

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